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Yoga and Yoni Steaming Services........



One Service Per Week ($108.00)
Weekly Yoga lesson or Yoni Steam for one month. This option gives you the opportunity to mix and match services for four weeks. 


Two Services Per Week ($185.00)
One Yoga and Yoni session per week for five weeks.  *Weeks must be consecutive  *One session includes Yoga and Yoni Steam


Yoga and Yoni Steaming

Yoga & Yoni Steam ($95.00)

75 minutes stretching and meditation followed by up to 45 minutes Yoni steaming


Yoga ($55.00)
Meditation, Breathing and Classical Yoga Postures. Each class is tailored to client's needs and desired outcome.  

Yoga- Up to three students ($75.00)  Bring up to two friends for a discounted yoga session!


Yoni Steaming

Herbal steaming is a practice used by traditional healers all over the world to aid in well-balanced reproductive health.  Through steaming, the medicinal properties of herbs work to nourish, heal and regulate our reproductive organs and system.

*The duration of our steam sessions are based on our client's sensitivities and medical history.  Our intake form will play a major role in determining the safest and most beneficial time for each client.  


60 Minutes Yoni Steam ($65.00)

30 Minutes Yoni Steam ($45.00)

15 Minutes Yoni Steam ($30.00)


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