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YOGA and Our Health


Yoga is a science found in many cultures, my studies include Egyptian and Classical Indian Yoga.  This practice is a system that places the practitioner in the seat of self-healer.  Yoga  heals  by creating a space of calm for our bodies to slip out of 'fight or flight' and into a more receptive, relaxed state.  The science of Yoga teaches us how to create an internal environment conducive to growth, creativity and healing,  


Yoga calms the mind, and in turn, our nervous system. Our body's systems are all connected and through Yoga, our nervous system becomes the impetus for positive change.  As we practice, we are asking our body to become balanced through the language of Prana (breath control) and Asana (stretching).


Benefits of Yoga


Lowers Blood Pressure

Expands mental capacity

Enhances taste and digestive function

Supports the immune and endocrine systems

Creates a deeper awareness of our body and mind

Stretches and strengthens muscles

Decreases or eliminates depression and anxiety

Strengthens spine

Strengthens lungs

Massages abdominal organs

Natural Detoxifying

Preparation for natural birthing

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